There was a huge earthquake which lasted a long time and continued 3 times randomly in 30 minutes afterwards, the tsunami hit the area of Touhoku (northeast coast of Hounshu) and now electronics, water, and gas has stopped many places in this area.
I`m worried it`s still snowing in Touhoku and there are over 400,000 peoples who were left without housing stay in emergency shelter (school, gymnastic hall) there are not enough necessities foods, water, survive the freezing cold for 1 week also close to an earthquake damaged Fukushima nuclear power plants.
After the explosion at Fukushima nuclear reactor the radiation is spread in whichever direction the wind blows, which is serious probrem.
Japan already knew how dangerous nuclear power from the past and what would happen if anything happened to the nuclear power plants being built near the fault line, but went ahead to do it to accumulate more power disregarding the safety and lives of its Citizens.
Every day we have small aftershocks since the 11th many peoples are getting sensitive whenever the ground shakes.
Yokohama is not affected as badly as the area of Touhoku, our guest house Kanalian is fine.
Most of the train routes are limited, there are less city light on at night it fot planned blackouts are targetting 9 areas (Kanto region except center of cities) at 3hours per day in 5 group to all save electricity which goes to continue for few months.