11月5日(土)午後3時/夜7時、6日(日)午後3時 KAAT 神奈川芸術劇場にて公演
『 Grief of Euridice 』by Ensemble Genesis
Baroque and contemporary music unified together with dance and visual performed as a play; an Opera written by Ovidius, this is the story of Metamorphoses.
When I went to the Ensemble Genesis concert in 2010 it was like a merry-go-round of nostalgia, emotional, and sentimental feelings through the music.
The music is like passing people at an intersection in which every moment you forget and remember at the same time.
Thanasis, from Greece, who stayed last year at Kanalian, wrote part of this music. I was glad to see it again this weekend at the Yokohama KAAT Theater !
5th(sat) Nov, start from 15:00 & 19:00 ( open 30minute before)
6th(sun) Nov start 15:00 (open 30minute before) / total 80minutes
Ticket advance 3,500yen, at door 3,800yen, student 3,000yen
KAAT Theater / 281 Yamashitachou Nakaku Yokohama / Tel 045-633-6500
(5minutes walk from Nihon Odouri stn Minato Mirai line / http://www.kaat.jp/)